Terms and Conditions



All original content on the Urban Commuter is the property of Urban Commuter. This includes text, photographs, graphics, logos, audio, and/or video. When Urban Commuter links to or displays contents from external sources, those copyrights are held by the owners of that content. Urban Commuter clearly marks the source link of the external content. The logo, in any form, is trademarked and copyrighted by Urban Commuter. You may NOT use it without prior written consent by the owner of Urban Commuter.

Disclaimers and Limitations of Liability

The Urban Commuter blog, including text, images, and other content is provided as is, and without a warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied. You assume all risks by reading Urban Commuter, applying anything despicted here, or by simply browsing to the blog.

Links and Linking to Content

You may link to the home page of Urban Commuter, or quote a piece of any page, as long as you provide due reference. Do not link to any content in a misleading, or out of context manner. You may not repost entire articles or posts, I.E. the complete text of the post. You may not frame the content of Urban Commuter. You may not use metatags or any other “hidden text” that incorporates The Site’s contents without our express written consent.


We reserve the right to terminate Urban Commuter at any time without notice and for any reason.