Commuting to NYC Part VI

New York City is beautiful when the sun is low.

Early in the morning you can see the trucks bringing supplies, food, and other important cargo. The streets are still silent, except for the occasional first responder “woop woop”. Then, the finance workers, tourists, and supporting “others” arrive.

This is when New York City becomes more... Interesting; and ugly; and dangerous...

Cities around the world are similar in this regard. Some more than others, but there is a lull period in each city I have ever visited.

It is in these moments that you need to be even more aware of what’s going on. Always plan ahead, timing is everything sometimes.

What I began to notice more and more, since people began to commute back to the cities, is that people want distance and to be left alone. At least that’s what I was sensing in the United States. I don’t know if this is due to several years of “social distance” or because people just plain don’t want to be around other people.

There seems, however, to be a change of how people walk in the street now. Cities are like organisms and they are always moving and morphing. Frankly, I think it depends of what part of each city you are.

Still, people are people and the crazies are even crazier it appears.

In order to help mitigate risk of anything happening, focus on the following:

  • Put your phone away and store the earphones - be aware of what's going on around you
  • Dress in neutral clothes that blend in with the general look and feel of the area
  • Move with intent and purpose to project knowledge of the area - you belong there
  • Keep anything shiny, like jewelry or watches, out of plain sight
  • As much as possible, try to avoid large crowds and situations where crowd could gather

It all begins with planning. Think ahead of time and visualize what you'll do if something bad happens. Regain control.

Always assume you are a target.